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JHU 补充文书题目

Founded on a spirit of exploration and discovery, Johns Hopkins University encourages students to share their perspectives, develop their interests and pursue new experiences. Use this space to share something you’d  like the admissions committee to know about you (your interests, your background, your identity or your community) and how it has shaped what you want to get out of your college experience at Hopkins. (300-400 words)




大多数学校都会要求他们的申请者详细说明他们为什么特别有兴趣申请 X 学校。这就是我们所说的 “为什么是我们” ?


但这个问题就像一个“为什么是我们” 的转折


“为什么是我们” 调整一个说法。它其实在问“为什么是你” 的意思,它要求你详细说明为什么你认为你适合约翰霍普金斯大学(而不是约翰霍普金斯大学为什么适合你) 。






















Decode “jpwoly ”


Two years ago, I began an all-girls Cybersecurity team, competing in the national Girls Go Cyberstart competition. It seems obvious that a group of people with varied backgrounds and experiences could generate  better  ideas  on  keeping  personal  information  safe,  yet  cybersecurity  is  one  of the  least diverse STEM fields – in 2017, it was 11% female. Sometimes when the community you want doesn’t exist, it means creating your own.


During the competition, we four girls spent a week completing hundreds of challenges in cryptography, web  analysis,  Linux, python, steganography,  and  more.  We  quickly  realized  that  though  we  lacked experience in Cybersecurity, our differing interests and abilities in math or coding  were our greatest strength.


 We  delegated  many  challenges,  myself  taking  cryptography  and  becoming  the  resident expert on SQL injections. At the end of Day 1, we were ranked 20th in Colorado, determined to work our way up. We spent far too many hours in our computer science classroom, hogging computers and insisting wejust wanted to finish one more challenge. 


By week ’s end, we’d won our state competition and placed ninth nationally. We used the cash prize to form a cybersecurity club, focusing on getting more girls involved. I’m excited that  we’re building a community of girls interested in STEM and cybersecurity – this past year, we had 50 girls competing in Girls Go.


The original team of four collaborated not only with each other during the competition, but also by encouraging interaction among our peers to grow the program. This kind of collaboration is something that excites me about Johns Hopkins—collaboration that fosters new ideas and solutions to problems, especially  through  interdisciplinary  collaboration.  I’m fascinated by biomedical research,  and  would love the opportunity to do undergraduate research, specifically on cancer. 


I’d like to work in the Sidney Kimmel Center in lung cancer research, with Shyam Sundar Biswal, as he is doing fascinating research about susceptibility to environmental lung diseases. I’ve done some work with dysplasia and how it is afected  by  carcinogens,  and  would  like  to  learn  more  in  this  area.  


Outside  of science,  I’m  also interested in the Peabody school’s dance program. The focus the program places on how dance and science interact allows me to explore two different aspects of my life and how they work together, as well as interact with two different groups of people.By the way, “jpwoly” decodes to “cipher”. 






作者通过讲述网络安全俱乐部的故事,我们了解到 STEM 中的多样性和包容性对她来说非常重要。


请注意,她不仅说明了问题,她还使用统计数据来说明背景和紧迫性:“2017 年,女性占 11%。” 










“密码学、网络分析、Linux、python、SQL ...” 这些术语一般水平的人说不出来。








这个学生用她文章的后三分之一内容回答了一个迷你版的“Why JHU”。



而且由于 JHU 没有像许多学校一样明确问“为什么是我们?” ,这个策略可能会让你有机会证明你和约翰霍普金斯大学非常合适,以及你对这所特定学校的“了解”有多深。  




Despite the clamor at the bus station, I remained fixated on the person’s leg. His prosthetic limb had restored his ability to move, but he didn’t have access to other subconscious privileges, like wiggling his toes. Weighing the benefits and limitations of these current prosthetics, I realized that these were placeholders, not replacements, for limbs. Wanting to create more innovative prosthetics shaped my interest in applying science and engineering to biological and mental health issues.


I first did this through research, finding an inexpensive alternative to water filtration for developing countries by working with others to analyze the role of nano-patterns in polymer supersaturation. While the results weren’t significant, it piqued my curiosity, motivating me to explore innovative solutions to nuanced issues. But what drew me back to the lab wasn’t research’s long-term benefits: it was the hope it offered, a possible solution to a seemingly unresolvable issue.


Energized by the enthusiasm I’d experienced in the lab, I also wanted to make an immediate impact on my community. After a local middle school lost its STEM extracurricular funding, our robotics team established and mentored FIRST Lego League there, working with children to create functioning products and emphasizing collaborative learning over lecturing.